1. Update Apt Package Index
As we are about to use the system’s default repository to install the MySQL package, hence before moving further let’s run the update command.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
2. Install MySQL Server on Ubuntu 22.04
We don’t need to add any repository manually on our Ubuntu 22.04 because the packages to install MySQL Server are already available to download and set up using the standard repo of the system.
sudo apt install mysql-server
3. To Check the version
Once the installation is completed to check which version of the MySQL server is on your system, run the given command:
mysql --version
4. Run the Security script to secure MySQL
By default, after installation, our MySQL is insecure, to increase its security we can remove the demo database, limit remote access, and can set a root password. Here is the command to run:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
As you run the above command, it will give a text-based wizard to secure your Database server. Here are the questions it will ask for:
There are three levels of password validation policy:
LOW Length >= 8
MEDIUM Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, and special characters
STRONG Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, special characters, and dictionary file
As per the strength of the password you want, select the value and hit the Enter key.
0 = LOW
After that, enter the password you want to set for the MySQL root user.
If you get an error:
SET PASSWORD has no significance for user ‘root’@’localhost’ as the authentication method used doesn’t store authentication data in the MySQL server. Please consider using ALTER USER instead if you want to change authentication parameters.
Then first exit the script by pressing Ctrl+C.
Login to MySQL first:
sudo mysql
Set root password:
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'MyPassword@123';
Note: Change MyPassword@123 with some strong password, you want to set.
Run the Secure Installation script again.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
The script will ask these questions.
Enter the password for user root: type your set password and then press ENTER.
Change the password for root? Press N, then ENTER.
Remove anonymous users? Press Y, then ENTER.
Disallow root login remotely? Press Y, then ENTER.
Remove test database and access to it? Press Y, then ENTER.
Reload privilege tables now? Press Y, then ENTER.
5. Login Database Server as the root user Once the installation and securing of the same is completed, we can log in to our MySQL server with a root user for creating database tables or users.
sudo mysql -u root -p
Enter the password you have set for it.
6. Manage MySQL service
First, let’s see the command that we can use to check whether the service of MySQL is running perfectly fine in the background without any error. For that use:
sudo systemctl status mysql
To stop the service:
sudo systemctl stop mysql
To restart:
sudo systemctl restart mysql
To Enable with OS boot:
sudo systemctl enable mysql
To Disable:
sudo systemctl disable mysql
7. How to update?
If there is the latest version of MySQL is available for Ubuntu 22.04, then we can have it by simply running the system update and upgrade command i.e
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
8. Uninstall or Remove MySQL from Ubuntu 22.04
Due to some reason, if you don’t require the MySQL server on your system, then we can remove it completely from our Ubuntu 22.04. However, before that make sure you have a backup of your databases if something important is there.
sudo apt autoremove --purge mysql-server